Home Real Estate Terms 9 Documents You Should Ask for When Buying a Property in Abuja

9 Documents You Should Ask for When Buying a Property in Abuja

Always conduct due diligence, seek professional advice, and leverage the insights you have gained here to make informed decisions.

Ge these documents before buying a property in Abuja

There are basic documents you must request for when buying a property in Abuja to avoid being a victim of scammers.

Abuja, being the capital city of Nigeria, presents lucrative opportunities and unique challenges in the real estate market. 

In this article, we will go into the intricacies of the key documents that underpin secure real estate investments in this city.

From Certificates of Occupancy to Building Approval Plans, we will leave no stone unturned. 

Our goal is to empower you with the knowledge and insights needed to make informed decisions.

So, go ahead and equip yourself with the tools necessary for success in the dynamic world of real estate in Abuja.

1. Certificate of Occupancy (C of O)

The Certificate of Occupancy is a legal document issued by the government that establishes the rightful ownership of the property. 

Here are additional points to consider:

Cross-check the authenticity of the C of O with the appropriate government agency responsible for land administration in Abuja.

Ensure that the C of O is current and has not expired.

Also, conduct a thorough title search to confirm that there are no encumbrances or legal disputes associated with the property.

In addition, understand the land status as certain areas may be designated for specific purposes, such as agricultural or residential use.

2. Survey Plan

A survey plan is a document that defines the boundaries and dimensions of the property. 

Consider the following:

Obtain a report from a licensed surveyor verifying the accuracy of the survey plan.

Look for any discrepancies between the survey plan and the physical boundaries on the ground.

Verify that there are no encroachments from neighbouring properties, roads, or public spaces.

Ensure that the survey plan is recent and reflects the current state of the property.

3. Deed of Assignment

The Deed of Assignment is the legal document that transfers ownership rights from the seller to the buyer. 

Consider the following points:

Ensure that the Deed of Assignment is properly executed with the required signatures and endorsements.

Check for the presence of witnesses and ensure they are credible and impartial.

Verify that the Deed of Assignment is registered with the appropriate land registry to make it legally valid and binding. Many unreliable real estate companies do not mind faking it just to scam unsuspecting investors.

Also, confirm that the details in the Deed of Assignment match those in the Certificate of Occupancy.

Also Read: Follow This Guideline to Own a Property in Abuja If You Live Abroad

4. Governor’s Consent

Governor’s Consent is important when transferring titles from a previous owner.

The state government issues Governor’s Consent. It serves as proof that the state government has approved the transfer of ownership. 

To obtain the Governor’s Consent, you have to apply to the state government.

The process can take several months to complete.

Consider these:

Investigate the history of the property to ensure that previous transactions leading to the current seller have been duly approved.

Ensure that all necessary documents leading to the current transaction have obtained the required Governor’s Consent.

5. Tax Clearance Certificate

The Tax Clearance Certificate verifies the seller’s compliance with tax obligations. 

Consider these;

Confirm that the property has been properly assessed for tax purposes.

Verify the authenticity of the Tax Clearance Certificate with the relevant tax authorities.

Check for any outstanding tax liabilities associated with the property.

6. Development Permit

For properties with or planned for development, a Development Permit is essential.

You should; 

Understand the process of obtaining a Development Permit from the relevant planning authorities in Abuja.

Make sure that the proposed development aligns with the approved permit.

Verify that the development plans comply with local zoning and building regulations.

7. Power of Attorney

When a seller is not the original owner, a valid Power of Attorney is essential. 

Check the following:

Confirm that the Power of Attorney is legally valid and has been properly executed.

Check for any restrictions or limitations outlined in the document.

Verify the authority granted to the seller through the Power of Attorney with relevant legal authorities.

8. Building Approval Plan

For developed or developing properties, a Building Approval Plan is necessary. It’s one of the most important documents you should ask for when buying a property in Abuja to avoid wasting your money. Not knowing the building approval plan of the area can lead to demolition in future when there’s a change of power.

Confirm these:

Ensure that the approved plan aligns with the constructed or planned structures on the property.

Confirm that the construction adheres to the approved building plan, ensuring structural integrity and safety.

9. Receipts of Payment

Always keep a detailed record of all financial transactions during your property acquisition process.

Remember to:

Maintain a comprehensive payment schedule, specifying the amounts, dates, and purposes of each payment.

Verify that payment receipts are issued for each transaction.

Have a legal professional review all payment-related documents to ensure compliance with local regulations.

Also Read: 10 Real Estate Mistakes You Must Not Make in FCT, Abuja


The success of any venture lies in the details. 

Each document we’ve explored today plays a pivotal role in ensuring the legality, security, and feasibility of your investment.

As you venture into the Abuja real estate market, remember that knowledge is very powerful. Ask for these documents before buying any property in Abuja no matter how cheap it is. Do not allow yourself to be put under pressure.

Always conduct due diligence, seek professional advice, and leverage the insights you have gained here to make informed decisions.

To invest in our Abuja real estate offer, Kyami Pavilion Estate, please, call +2348132794689 or send a WhatsApp message to +2348132794689.

Kyami Pavilion Estate
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Hush Homes Ltd is a leading real estate company in Nigeria with branches in Abuja and Asaba.


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