Different land sizes and measurements by Hush Homes

Different Land Sizes and Measurements Available in Abuja

Understanding the different land sizes and measurements available in any location, especially Abuja, is essential for successful real estate transactions. This is because it's...
Certificate of Occupancy in Abuja

How to Gеt Your Certificate of Occupancy (C of O) in Abuja

Just likе you nееd an ID to provе who you arе and accеss cеrtain rights, your propеrty nееds a Certificate of Occupancy (C of...
Contract of sale in Abuja

What You Nееd to Know about Contract of Salе in Abuja

Abuja's booming rеal еstatе scеnе is еxciting. This is truе whether you're a buyer еyеing your dream home or a seller rеady for thе...
Ge these documents before buying a property in Abuja

9 Documents You Should Ask for When Buying a Property in Abuja

There are basic documents you must request for when buying a property in Abuja to avoid being a victim of scammers. Abuja, being the capital...
Contract of sale and deed of assignment

What is the Difference Between a Deed of Assignment and a Contract of Sale...

Both the Deed of Assignment and Contract of Sale are vital documents in the realm of real estate investment. They play significant roles in property...
Survey plan in Abuja

What You Need to Know About Survey Plan in Abuja as a Real Estate...

As a real estate investor, you must understand the details of a survey plan and how to leverage it to make informed business decisions...
Land excision and gazette in Nigeria

Difference Between Land Excision and Gazette in Nigeria

You know the feeling of stumbling upon a great plot of land you want to buy in Nigeria, but then, you start hearing a...
Hush Homes Ltd

Everything You Need to Know About Governor’s Consent in Nigeria

If you've been doing land transactions in Nigeria for quite some time now, you must have heard the term "Governor's consent." What exactly is...
Verify the authenticity of c of o in Abuja

Follow These Steps to Verify the Authenticity of a C of O in Abuja

is there a way to verify the authenticity of a property of a C of O in Abuja? The answer is yes. A Certificate...
Land titles in Nigeria

10 Different Land Titles You Should Know in Nigeria

Land titles are legal documents that show proof of ownership of a property in Nigeria. They are very important documents to look out for...
Kyami Pavilion Estate

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